Monday, July 18, 2011

How to understand the convenience store business and bid on it

First Atlanta

A KW Commercial Seminar:

"Auction, For Sale:

C-Stores with Gas"

A layman’s guide to profit/loss analysis, financing, and property condition evaluation, including environmental conditions*

When: Thursday, July 21st , 2pm-4pm, questions session following

Where: KW Commercial First Atlanta

Keller-Williams Realty First Atlanta, 200 Glenridge Point Parkway, Suite 100

Atlanta, Georgia 30342

NO CHARGE*, but REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Limited to the first 75 who RSVP


Ari Casper
(A licensed GA Real Estate Broker# 237103) has sold over 350 Convenience Stores with gasoline in Georgia and the Southeast:

Profit vs. Loss

Learn what to look for when buying a Convenience Store

Revenue Sources: Inside Sales, Outside Sales, Lottery, Alcohol Sales, Publications, car wash, public storage, etc.

Learn Expenses and Costs: Mark up on gasoline, rent, utilities, real estate and sales taxes

Mohsen Sarhan,GA License# 331710, 27 yr. engineer and experienced contractor, will provide an Owner’s Perspective. He has

owned/operated several retail units for more than a decade

a unique insight into site selection and purchasing of Commercial Real Estate

worked extensively with international investors, traveling regularly throughout the United States and Middle East.

Rick Woroniecki has over 30 years of Environmental and Property Condition Engineering Experience:

Environmental Concerns:

What’s my responsibility if the tanks have leaked or the soil/groundwater is contaminated?

What is a "No Further Action" Letter and who does it protect?

How to get Due Diligence support for past environmental concerns

Environmental regulations for operating underground tanks and hazardous materials

Property Condition Concerns

Building and Building Envelop: Roof, walls, flooring, windows and doors, electrical, plumbing, etc.

Pavement and Site maintenance: Asphalt vs. Concrete, Right-of-way entrances, canopy,
and pumps, dispensers and islands (& Air Quality Regulations)

Ed Beard, with over $500,000,000 in loans, will explain Financing Your Location

Pre-qualifying for lending

Cash requirements

SBA Financing dos and don’ts

Private lending vs. Institutional lending

commercial loans and obtaining credit

Chad Redfern, renowned entrepreneur in marketing & internet technology will lead Marketing:

Growing your new business through inexpensive social media: Facebook, etc.

Branding vs. Independent gasoline marketing

Signage and sales

Internet campaigns: Increasing sales through social media

"Hands-On" Work Session will follow where these experts will take questions and answers on any related issue and also answer questions regarding current locations for sale and auctions.

Limited Space – Reserve your seat today:

Ari Casper - 678.576.1552 Rick Woroniecki – 770.331.9324

Mosa Sarhan - 678.491.4658

*The seminar and all materials presented are provided for informational purposes only and are not applicable to any specific location for sale or auction. Our only recommendations are to consult a qualified attorney and/or directly contractually engage a qualified real estate agent or broker prior to buying any location for sale, and to engage qualified engineers and other environmental and property condition experts to evaluate any property under consideration. Payment of any seminar fee does not constitute hiring the presenters regarding any specific property in any capacity although they may be available to provide you services under a separate brokerage agreement or contract.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Credit Default Swaps

Credit Default Swaps: Why Washington Ignored Our Warning

By Martin Hutchinson, Contributing Editor, Money Morning
Three years ago, I told you that Wall Street's newest invention - credit default swaps - would cause a major financial crash.

Now, I'll concede that credit default swaps (CDS) weren't the only cause of the financial meltdown that brought about the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings (OTC: LEHMQ) and nearly brought down American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG). But these financial derivatives were a major exacerbating factor - which is why I also warned that credit default swaps should be banned.

Just three years later, we're embroiled in yet another financial crisis. But the stakes have grown: This time around we're talking about entire countries - and not just banks - defaulting on their debt. Not surprisingly, credit default swaps are once again at center stage.

Just yesterday (Monday), in fact, the possibility of a Greek-debt default drove spreads on Western European credit default swaps up to record levels, providing even more profits for those speculating against the overall health of the Western financial system. Those profits for speculators increase the overall losses in the world financial system whenever something goes wrong, creating the possibility that even moderate "credit events" could collapse the whole shaky edifice.

If Washington had heeded my warnings back before the first global financial crisis, you and I would be much better off today.

To continue reading, please click here ...

America for Sale

America for Sale: Liquidate Assets to Avert Debt Ceiling Crisis, Republicans Say
By David Zeiler, Associate Editor, Money Morning
It would be the greatest garage sale in history.

The United States Treasury possesses 261.5 million ounces of gold, worth about $392.25 billion at current prices.

Some in Washington say the time has come to sell some of its gold, along with other government assets such as land and buildings, to pay down the $14.3 trillion federal debt and give Congress more time to resolve the federal debt ceiling crisis.

"It's just sort of sitting there," Ron Utt, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, told the Washington Post. "Given the high price it is now, and the tremendous debt problem we now have, by all means, sell at the peak."

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-TX, agreed, telling the New York Sun that selling some of the Treasury's gold would be "a good and moral decision. An individual would have to do the same."

The idea isn't as crazy as it might sound. Six nations - Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden - collectively sold off 48% of their gold reserves in the late 1990s. Britain sold half of its gold reserves from 1999 to 2002, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) sold 13% of its gold - over 403 tons of the yellow metal - as recently as 2009.

The ongoing Congressional struggle over raising the debt ceiling took an ominous turn last week when Republicans walked away from the negotiations, citing Democratic demands for tax increases. At the same time, Republican demands for deep spending cuts have met with resistance from Democrats.

With the deadline just five weeks away - Congress must act before Aug. 2 to avoid defaulting on the nation's debt - some are looking at the sale of gold and other federal assets as a way to reduce the debt and give both sides more time to reach a deal.