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Friday, November 22, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Mosajet: How the politician see the American and West treat...
Mosajet: How the politician see the American and West treat...: How the politician see the American and West treating the coup in Egypt. "Translated" By: BADR Mohammed Badr After a...
How the politician see the American and West treating the coup in Egypt.
By: BADR Mohammed Badr
After a bloody military coup of treacherous in Egypt on July 3, a few days I started speaking Western Governments reluctantly, talking about Egyptian Affairs something of anxiety and anticipation, awaiting the outcome of the General position and the possibility of resolving the matter quickly in favour of the coup.

With growing popular reactions against the military coup, and the subsequent isolation of the first elected civilian President and abolished the Constitution, dissolved Parliament and other results, they started the Western (European and American) are flocking to Egypt, in an attempt to survey the situation on the ground and explore ways for a political solution, by sitting down with political parties, adding to a coup from the military.

But soon calmed such attempts, after significant activity almost daily visits or remarks or meetings, even almost stopped completely now, or at least the advertiser, the question here: why I stopped or at least ostensibly calmed down?
Before the answer is another question in mind: what would you like Europe and America from Egypt? The answer in my appreciation that the European countries in General, and America in particular, seeking to preserve their interests, whether interests of political, economic, security, cultural and otherwise, and certainly the protection of the Zionist entity, and hence the stability in Egypt, but preferably by secular political class, not by Islamists who brought Arab spring.
Although the West is well aware of the fact that Islamists in Egypt and in the Arab world in General, can not be ignored or minimized their role or the possibility of banning them completely from political participation, they think that if secularists in power control in civilian clothing, the best of the West, but this of course will only cancel or disrupt the democratic process and suppress the Islamists who are a force to be reckoned with, and this against Western liberal thought and culture, the Western statements about these two things in one way or (Return to the democratic path, except for one "Islamists" of the political process).
But it seems that the coup the military clique and the secular elite explained to the West and the Americans to put pressure on those two things specifically will restore the position to zero if nothing, as the Islamists are still influential in the street, they could gain a majority in the upcoming elections, the solution in this case (the putschists) is the Suppression of Islamists, and bring them to trial and admitted to prisons and detention facilities, and prevent them from exercising any political activities, preparation of secular Constitution prevents Islamists from participating in future.
And in my opinion that the West expressed its reservation on this track, not, of course, from the angle of Islamists or love in the democratic process, but because this solution leads to embarrass the West "democratic" somewhat with their communities, and also importantly do not destroy Islamic movements, but may open the door to the repercussions of the violence and extremism and immigration can be expected in the medium and long term.
So I think the Western position now boils down to one of two things: first, they realized that a military coup is sinking now, both political suppression of opponents of the Islamists, and commit this brutal bloody massacres against peaceful protestors in rabaa and the field of Renaissance and others, is the blood that had fuelled feelings of rejection of the coup and insist on the return of the legitimacy of ordinary people and not only Islamic movements, are not exempt European massacres in case of failures of international legal accountability, in addition to the lack of success in marketing Itself as a popular revolt against an undemocratic.
Also coup plunges in economic terms, which are on the verge of collapse, despite the large size of Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE) despite reticence on the difficult living conditions of the Egyptian citizen now.
And in terms of growing demonstrations and marches in support of the legitimate and democratic process despite all the violence, and to enter new sectors of society to this protest marches after the image has been more affected by living conditions in the aftermath of the military coup.
In this case, perhaps the West should leave the coup battling death alone, even if they fell down to our people: we advised them and we advised them much, but they refused to listen to us, what do we do?.
And second: that they had obtained commitments from the coup in terms of relationship with the Zionist entity, especially with regard to making every effort to get rid of Hamas by imposing an economic blockade and the closure of crossing points and destroy tunnels, or military adventure, vowed interfere with the interests of the West in Egypt and the region.
I imagine that the putschists and the secular elite, assured the West that they are determined to continue, because the meaning is clearly falling back is the Islamic project more strongly, so if they succeed in stability and foothold, the best of the West, though they failed to everyone (West and the military and the secular elite) will bear the painful results.
And in this case better to remain supportive of the putschists in secret rather than in public, so there is no point in sending political delegations (from the point of view of the putschists), because it's practically bypassed that stage, and maybe this explains also the Scott West and international organizations and the United Nations, whether the fundamental freedoms in Egypt, and the Islamists currently repression and arrest without compliance with the law, and basic human rights principles in dealing with them.
I think that the growing popular pressure to defend the return of legality and break the coup and continued daily in the streets, crowds and success will push the west and Americans to support the first opnion.
بقلم: بدر محمد بدر...
عقب وقوع الإنقلاب العسكري الدموي الغادر في مصر يوم 3 من يوليو الماضي بأيام قلائل بدأت تصريحات الحكومات الغربية على استحياء، تتحدث عن الشأن المصري بشيئ من القلق والترقب، انتظارا لما يمكن أن يسفر عنه الموقف العام ومدى إمكانية حسم الأمور سريعا لصالح الإنقلاب من عدمه.
ومع تنامي ردود الفعل الشعبية الرافضة للإنقلاب العسكري، وما ترتب عليه من عزل أول رئيس مدني منتخب وإلغاء الدستور وحل مجلس الشورى وغيرها من نتائج، بدأت الوفود الغربية (الأمريكية والأوروبية) تتوافد على مصر، في محاولة لاستطلاع الموقف على الطبيعة واستكشاف طرق الحل السياسي، عن طريق الجلوس مع الأطراف السياسية، إضافة إلى الإنقلابيين من العسكر.
ولكن سرعان ما هدأت هذه المحاولات، بعد نشاط ملحوظ شبه يومي من خلال زيارات أو تصريحات أو لقاءات، حتى تكاد تكون توقفت الآن تماما، أو على الأقل المعلن منها، والسؤال المطروح هنا: لماذا توقفت أو هدأت ظاهريا على الأقل؟
وقبل الإجابة يتبدى في الأذهان سؤال آخر: ماذا تريد أوروبا وأمريكا من مصر بشكل عام؟ والإجابة في تقديري أن الدول الأوروبية عموما، وأمريكا خصوصا، تسعى من أجل الحفاظ على مصالحها، سواء أكانت مصالح سياسية أو اقتصادية أو أمنية أو ثقافية وغيرها، ومنها بالتأكيد حماية الكيان الصهيوني، ومن هنا فإن الاستقرار في مصر مطلوب، ولكن من الأفضل أن يكون ذلك من خلال الطبقة السياسية العلمانية وليس من خلال الإسلاميين الذين أتى بهم الربيع العربي.
ورغم أن كان الغرب يدرك تماما أن الإسلاميين في مصر خاصة، وفي العالم العربي عامة، لا يمكن تجاهلهم أو التقليل من دورهم أو إمكانية منعهم تماما من المشاركة السياسية، فإنهم يعتقدون أنه إذا نجح العلمانيون في السيطرة على السلطة بلباس مدني فهذا أفضل للغرب بالتأكيد، لكن ذلك بالطبع لن يحدث إلا بإلغاء أو تعطيل المسار الديمقراطي وقمع الإسلاميين الذين يمثلون قوة لا يستهان بها، وهذا ضد الفكر والثقافة الغربية الليبرالية، ولذلك كانت التصريحات الغربية تتحدث عن هذين الأمرين بطريقة أو بأخرى (العودة سريعا إلى المسار الديمقراطي، وعدم استثناء أحد "أي الإسلاميين تحديدا" من العملية السياسية).
ولكن يبدو أن زمرة الإنقلابيين العسكر والنخبة العلمانية أوضحوا للغرب والأمريكان أن الضغط في هذين الأمرين تحديدا سوف يعيد الموقف إلى نقطة الصفر وكأن شيئا لم يكن، باعتبار أن الإسلاميين لا يزالون مؤثرين في الشارع السياسي، ويمكنهم أن يحوزوا أغلبية في أي انتخابات قادمة، والحل في هذه الحالة (كما يرى الإنقلابيون) هو قمع هؤلاء الإسلاميين، وتقديمهم للمحاكمات وإدخالهم السجون والمعتقلات، ومنعهم تماما من ممارسة أي نشاط سياسي، وإعداد دستور علماني يمنع الإسلاميين من المشاركة في المستقبل.
وفي تقديري أن الغرب أبدى تحفظه على هذا المسار، ليس بالطبع من زاوية مصلحة الإسلاميين أو حبا في المسار الديمقراطي، ولكن لأن هذا الحل يؤدي إلى إحراج الغرب "الديمقراطي" نوعا ما مع مجتمعاته، وأيضا وهو الأهم لا يقضى على التيارات الإسلامية بشكل نهائي، بل قد يفتح الباب أمام تداعيات عنف وتطرف وهجرة لا يمكن توقع نتائجها في المدى المتوسط والبعيد.
وبالتالي أعتقد أن الموقف الغربي الآن يتلخص في أحد أمرين: الأول أنهم أدركوا أن الإنقلاب العسكري يغرق الآن، سواء من الناحية السياسية بقمع معارضيه من الإسلاميين، وارتكاب هذه المجازر الدموية الوحشية بحق المعتصمين السلميين في رابعة العدوية وميدان النهضة وغيرها، وهي الدماء التي أججت مشاعر رفض الإنقلاب والإصرار على عودة الشرعية من رجل الشارع العادي وليس فقط من التيارات الإسلامية وحدها، وهي مجازر لن تعفيه أوروبيا في حالة الفشل من المساءلة القانونية الدولية، إضافة إلى عدم نجاحه خارجيا في تسويق نفسه باعتباره ثورة شعبية ضد وضع غير ديمقراطي.
أيضا الإنقلاب يغرق من الناحية الاقتصادية التي باتت على وشك الانهيار بشكل كبير، رغم الحجم الكبير للمساعدات الخليجية (السعودية والكويت والإمارات) ورغم التكتم على صعوبة الظروف المعيشية للمواطن المصري حاليا.
أو من ناحية تنامي المظاهرات والمسيرات الداعمة للشرعية وعودة المسار الديمقراطي رغم كل العنف الذي تواجه به، ودخول قطاعات جديدة من المجتمع إلى هذه المسيرات الاحتجاجية، بعد أن اتضحت الصورة أمامها أكثر وتأثرت ظروفها المعيشية بتداعيات الانقلاب العسكري.
وفي هذه الحالة ربما رأى الغرب أن يترك الإنقلاب يصارع الموت وحده، حتى إذا انهار وسقط قالوا لشعوبنا: نصحناهم وحذرناهم كثيرا، ولكنهم رفضوا الاستماع إلينا فماذا نفعل؟!.
والثاني: أنهم حصلوا على تعهدات من الإنقلابيين فيما يخص العلاقة مع الكيان الصهيوني، وخصوصا فيما يتعلق ببذل كل جهد للتخلص من حركة "حماس" عن طريق فرض حصار اقتصادي وغلق المعابر وتدمير الأنفاق، أو القيام بمغامرة عسكرية ضدها، إضافة إلى تعهد الإنقلابيين برعاية مصالح الغرب في مصر والمنطقة بصورة أكبر.
وأتصور أن الإنقلابيين والنخبة العلمانية أكدوا للغرب أنهم مصرون على الاستمرار، لأن معنى سقوطهم بوضوح هو عودة المشروع الإسلامي بقوة أكبر، وبالتالي فلو نجحوا في الاستقرار وتثبيت أقدامهم فهذا أفضل للغرب، ولو فشلوا فالجميع (الغرب والعسكر والنخبة العلمانية) سوف يتحملون نتائج مؤلمة.
وفي هذه الحالة من الأفضل أن يبقى داعما للإنقلابيين في الخفاء أكثر منه في العلن، وبالتالي ليس هناك جدوى من إرسال وفود سياسية (من وجهة نظر الإنقلابيين)، لأن الأمر عمليا تجاوز هذه المرحلة، وربما هذا يفسر كذلك سكوت الغرب الآن ومنظماته الدولية والأمم المتحدة بالذات، عما تتعرض له الحريات في مصر من انتهاكات، وما يواجهه الإسلاميون حاليا من عمليات قمع واعتقال دون الالتزام بالقانون، وإهدار أبسط مبادئ حقوق الإنسان في التعامل معهم.
أعتقد أن تنامي الضغط الشعبي للدفاع عن عودة الشرعية وكسر الانقلاب واستمرار الحشود اليومية في الشوارع، والنجاح في إدخال فئات جديدة لدعم التظاهرات، وبدء عصيان مدني مؤثر، سوف يؤدي إلى تبني الغرب للمسار الأول.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Al Sisi and the Military Coup in Egypt
The Group's first statement were deceived in Sisi's former Defense Minister, when he said that the armed forces would not allow Egypt to enter a tunnel of darkness or dragged into civil war or sectarian strife! I find that this time is the role of the Egyptian army a bias for the security of the people and the nation and to protect constitutional legitimacy! But – same-Sisi is a military coup said dummy urban destinations after the deployment of the army under the guise of protecting Egypt from chaos and assaults on rouah allthe! But in fact the implementation of military control on the ground to protect the coup Declaration of legitimacy at the expense of group bias team which Egyptian national security seriously sum up some risk here to realize any swamp led-Sisi's companions who stood with him!!
First: the involvement of religious symbols with other liberal and secular constitutional legitimacy rebel accepted the Egyptian people stresses the seriousness of the split caused by the coup d ' état which had expected three days of complete control of its country and people! And they lost their bets where popular resistance appeared to reject stronger day after day! I think that the way out of this as both Azhar and Baba alarthosox represent only themselves and Patriots who love Egypt and its people without distinction the announcement and take positions in favor of legitimate regardless of the President election will fund a peaceful trading and this liberal approach rather than peaceful vision of Sisi's creating sectarian strife in Egypt!
Second: that the President of the Constitutional Court following the announcement of the suspension of the Constitution referendum and dissolved only the so-called interim presidency underlines the animosity that dominated the members of the Constitutional Court of the new regime have repeatedly condemned after unprecedented rulings are respected in the world by the new rulers who overthrew the Constitution who vowed to respect with Sisi and coup leader over their rulings that recognized the existence of the Consultative Council in order clearly offended for the Elimination of doubt! Add to that the release of all the accused ex of the ousted regime and their crimes, real and fabricated accusations of the supporters of the legitimate and placing the judiciary in a serious litmus test will be set down detailed history unless Honorable of them rise up to stop these extravaganzas decisively and without giving in to the reality of broken-down won't last, God willing!

III: Mr. Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei President of external affairs and make considerable effort to market the idea of ending the ruling Islamists and drop the President-elect is in itself a threat to Egyptian national security for not recover files to like him who owed abroad, especially American allegiance that controlled and that its role in the war on Iraq could not be ignored, it has changed military doctrine for the army of deHis garrison to the East Wing of the Arabic nation and a strong partner in the Islamic Ummah to shield its army just as he wants to do in Egypt – the fight against terrorism, we no longer see a strategic enemy but Iraq has plunged into the Iraqi army in the killing of his sons according to the identity of the Iraqi people still suffering from scientists and killed men, women and children are incarcerated in prisons in Iraq thousands! In short, ElBaradei carries a serious message wants implemented in Egypt and Egypt is the only national army transformation and the strongest in the region to address the internal enemy rather than full-time for enemies abroad who surround to Egypt from each side! Response involving the capsizing Sisi on constitutional legality in conflict to hotbed of Egypt turned the wrong direction between the army and the people and will not allow any Egyptian national!
Fourth: that army policy bias and impose it on the ground by his team of opposition from the people of the region and the who has so far failed in all electoral benefits against another group of popular anger others, then herding them to conspiring to carry out a coup to capture popular President rejects banded edges and occur in a human Advisor, Dr. Rafiq Habib in detail specifies the groups and the role of each individual and the sources of financing and accompanying fabricating problems of life and promotion of popular rejection under security protection Sometimes negative and sometimes positive with broad judicial released all suspects meted out, promoted them false flags hypocrite catch price! Even when the day passed 30 without any effect out of Sisi group gives them the kiss of life by 48 hours returned some areas partially and conspiracy as announced in response to the will of the people! While another team has not forgotten those rented a home on June 28 and has increased despite the arrest of its leaders and closing the channels and stop newspapers and media siege lasting distortion and lying for what happened and is happening! And though they-Pro-keep up to date! This internal fighting threatens the return of security and fabrication issues and the absence of Justice and this is the third warning to Sisi's civil war! The ballot is the sole political standoff peacefully but the appearance of tanks on the scene and killed peaceful demonstrators as the massacre of worshipers in front of Republican Guard a seed fight internal goal of America in destroying the Egyptian army and industry civil war supported by the putschists if the army retreats from the negative attitude of the Sisi!

VA: forget the media wave and mercenary politicians who opposed the President's actions always edit the Egyptian Foreign control will the President refused to visit America for a year as a rejection of the dictates of their return by the former rulers of Egypt, the Egyptian economy was planned to grow in earnest in the framework of the real development began manifestation in some industries and in high levels of exports and dollar reserves and a number of tourist nights and savings of blowjobsLiberians at home and transfers of Egyptians abroad! No wonder no one appreciates the difficulties of editing and the Egyptian economy will cost whatever the future of the industry better and attacked Akram and Sahih in the coup it as immediate grants and loans of 12 billion in three days but will be demolished but was weighed down by Sisi a Suez Canal development project which would have on Egypt more than $ 100 billion a year in response to the request of the UAE!!!And increases the size of the plot, convert remaining reserve which fell in one week 3 billion dollars to Egypt's debt bonds abroad and is why honest researchers don't stop mercenaries who participated in selling Egypt abroad rose and envy from themselves and which threatens Egyptian national security which falls before the creditors and are not capable of self-sufficiency to the requirements of Division without abroad mainly shortly after the military coup of legality!
The most serious threat to Egyptian national security after a Sisi on constitutional legality (the elected President and the Constitution and elected Parliament poller) summarized in a lack of confidence in the armed forces and the threat of conflict comes out of his main army to counter the threat of the outside in the Zionist entity to risk inside artificial after closing ports of democracy, freedom and social justice, as in Iraq, in the country on the brink of a civil war will not respond to it or sectarian strife or economy wise mind ytavo'ha collapsed with flouting the will of People continued to be deprived of their right to free choice and when by every liberty turned the enemies of freedom and democracy with the support from home and abroad to Egyptian tanks and is why the Egyptian people to pay attention and come down to the fields to recover full revolution to leave El Sisi and Dolly away from Egypt may be honorable in the armed forces have the country back to normal and free democratic choice o o witness amounted
Dr. Mohamed Gamal heshmat
15 July 2013
Dr Mohamed Gamal Heshmat
Prof of Endemic Diseases
Medical Research Institute
Alexandria University
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Mosajet: Mosajet: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam ...
Mosajet: Mosajet: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam ...: Mosajet: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just f... : Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just for wealth control from st...
Liars and how do you know them.!!
They said; Everybody lies, that’s
nothing new. What matters is the type of lie a person is telling. White lies
are usually told to spare someone’s feelings, and are often less hurtful than
brutal honesty, which I personal feel that there are no white or black lies since all of it is changing the face of the truth but The type of lie I want to discuss is one that’s told for the
purposes of control, manipulation or profit.
Those of us believe that we’re free to make our own decisions and live our own lives, but this isn’t always the case.
Many people and institutions want something from us: our money, power and votes; even control over our bodies, and they’ll resort to lying in order to achieve their goals.
Those of us believe that we’re free to make our own decisions and live our own lives, but this isn’t always the case.
Many people and institutions want something from us: our money, power and votes; even control over our bodies, and they’ll resort to lying in order to achieve their goals.
But I want to start by the Lie ideology is always wrong based on all religious books that comes from God with all instructions prohibiting lying,
Even comes to the top of the priority of going out of heaven at the judgment day.
But let us understand together and get more experience.
Many liars are successful, but that’s usually because we make it
easy for them. As intelligent, experienced adults, it shouldn’t be so easy for
others to fool us, but interestingly, in this era of unlimited access to
information and instant global communication, we’re still too gullible.
Perhaps our infatuation with celebrity is responsible for our being charmed by attractive, charismatic liars. Perhaps our educational system isn’t spending enough time teaching us how to be critical thinkers.
Whatever the reason, our willingness to be deceived enables these individuals to steal our hard-earned money, misinform us about our world, trick us into voting for them and seduce us into their beds.
If we want to be more empowered in our lives, we should stop allowing the liars of the world to take advantage of us. This requires opening our eyes and seeing the truth, so that we can begin to make truly informed choices about what we need and we interact with them.
When people or institutions are communicating with us, we must ascertain whether we’re being told the truth or we’re on the receiving end of uninformed opinion, misinformation, sneaky half-truths or pure fabrication.
Here are four basic tools for seeing through the liars in your personal, professional and political life and making sure that it’s a lot harder for these people to fool you in the future:
1: Be your own fact-checker. Successful liars are especially good at making statements that seem credible at first glance but which don’t hold up to scrutiny. If we want to regain control over our lives, we must closely examine what our institutions, bosses, politicians and potential lovers are telling us.
Politicians frequently make statements that are more opinion than truth, or outrageous, false claims about their opponent.
It’s up to each one of us to listen closely to what’s being said and practice a healthy form of skepticism, rather than accepting their words as facts. We can easily assess the accuracy of their statements by doing a bit of research.
People who want our money will play on our heart-strings or our greed. They scam us with pleas for contributions to dubious charities or entice us with promises of enormous returns on our investments.
Again, some fact-checking will go a long way in protecting ourselves from being taken advantage of.
Everyone has heard the cautionary tale of the bride met online who drained her new husband’s savings, or the story of the charming man who was found, after the wedding, to have two other wives, credit cards in five different names, or a nasty STD. Even so, people continue to be taken in by these emotional con-artists.
We all want love, but we can’t be so desperate that we turn a blind eye to the signs that there’s something not quite right about our romantic partner.
We have to verify that the person we’re getting involved with is who they say they are and that their intentions are honourable. Especially in this era of on-line dating, checking the facts can be a matter of life and death.
2: Explore their motivations. When someone tells us something that we suspect might not be true, or something that sounds too good to be true, we should always examine why they might be say this. If we look into the motivations behind someone’s words, we can easily separate the liars from the forthright.
For example, if, in our travels, a resident of a foreign country known for its poverty or human rights abuses claims that we’re the love of their life, we should probably consider that they might be looking for a way out of their current circumstances.
Many people who sponsored a foreign spouse for immigration into their safer, more prosperous country have been horrified to discover that they’d been used.
Advertisers often exaggerate the benefits of the products or services they want us to buy. They make their living telling us that these things will make us happier and more popular. If we think before we part with our money we can see that often, it’s the advertisers and the companies they work for who’ll benefit the most from our purchases.
3: Explore your own motivations. It’s important when we’re listening to other people that we think about why we’re inclined to believe them. Many of us feel a deep sense of disconnectedness in our lives and are convinced that the way to belong is to believe in someone else.
We think that if we agree with what they’re saying, we’ll feel less alone in the world and therefore less anxious and unhappy.
Unfortunately, in our quest for belonging, we allow ourselves to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals who seek to control nearly every aspect of our existence in return for the promise of connection.
We need to see that we can create healthy relationships and communities without giving up our autonomy or skepticism.
We can recognize that when there’s mutual respect, people are free, even encouraged to ask intelligent questions, look beneath the surface of things and use this knowledge as the basis of their choices.
4: Stop lying to yourself. It can be tempting to practice denial. Facing the truth about yourself or your life can be uncomfortable or upsetting, so it’s not unusual to resort to the defenses of denial, wishful thinking or self-delusion.
The problem is that eventually, these dysfunctional ways of coping will catch up with us, and we’ll have to live with consequences which are far worse that the initial discomfort or displeasure we might experience from facing the truth.
It’s important that we get in touch with our own needs and feelings and honestly examine how our choices are affecting us. We must also face the truth about the people in our lives, and stop ignoring when our gut feelings tell us that they’re being insincere.
If we don’t do these things, it will be far too easy for the users, manipulators and thieves of the world to take advantage of our willful blindness or hopeful fantasy. We become vulnerable to dishonest people when we aren’t honest with ourselves.
When we acknowledge the truth of what we feel and what we see, our needs become clear and in this way, we become empowered.
We’re more able to achieve our goals and a lot less likely to be thrown off track by someone who’s deceiving us in order to promote their own agenda.
Perhaps our infatuation with celebrity is responsible for our being charmed by attractive, charismatic liars. Perhaps our educational system isn’t spending enough time teaching us how to be critical thinkers.
Whatever the reason, our willingness to be deceived enables these individuals to steal our hard-earned money, misinform us about our world, trick us into voting for them and seduce us into their beds.
If we want to be more empowered in our lives, we should stop allowing the liars of the world to take advantage of us. This requires opening our eyes and seeing the truth, so that we can begin to make truly informed choices about what we need and we interact with them.
When people or institutions are communicating with us, we must ascertain whether we’re being told the truth or we’re on the receiving end of uninformed opinion, misinformation, sneaky half-truths or pure fabrication.
Here are four basic tools for seeing through the liars in your personal, professional and political life and making sure that it’s a lot harder for these people to fool you in the future:
1: Be your own fact-checker. Successful liars are especially good at making statements that seem credible at first glance but which don’t hold up to scrutiny. If we want to regain control over our lives, we must closely examine what our institutions, bosses, politicians and potential lovers are telling us.
Politicians frequently make statements that are more opinion than truth, or outrageous, false claims about their opponent.
It’s up to each one of us to listen closely to what’s being said and practice a healthy form of skepticism, rather than accepting their words as facts. We can easily assess the accuracy of their statements by doing a bit of research.
People who want our money will play on our heart-strings or our greed. They scam us with pleas for contributions to dubious charities or entice us with promises of enormous returns on our investments.
Again, some fact-checking will go a long way in protecting ourselves from being taken advantage of.
Everyone has heard the cautionary tale of the bride met online who drained her new husband’s savings, or the story of the charming man who was found, after the wedding, to have two other wives, credit cards in five different names, or a nasty STD. Even so, people continue to be taken in by these emotional con-artists.
We all want love, but we can’t be so desperate that we turn a blind eye to the signs that there’s something not quite right about our romantic partner.
We have to verify that the person we’re getting involved with is who they say they are and that their intentions are honourable. Especially in this era of on-line dating, checking the facts can be a matter of life and death.
2: Explore their motivations. When someone tells us something that we suspect might not be true, or something that sounds too good to be true, we should always examine why they might be say this. If we look into the motivations behind someone’s words, we can easily separate the liars from the forthright.
For example, if, in our travels, a resident of a foreign country known for its poverty or human rights abuses claims that we’re the love of their life, we should probably consider that they might be looking for a way out of their current circumstances.
Many people who sponsored a foreign spouse for immigration into their safer, more prosperous country have been horrified to discover that they’d been used.
Advertisers often exaggerate the benefits of the products or services they want us to buy. They make their living telling us that these things will make us happier and more popular. If we think before we part with our money we can see that often, it’s the advertisers and the companies they work for who’ll benefit the most from our purchases.
3: Explore your own motivations. It’s important when we’re listening to other people that we think about why we’re inclined to believe them. Many of us feel a deep sense of disconnectedness in our lives and are convinced that the way to belong is to believe in someone else.
We think that if we agree with what they’re saying, we’ll feel less alone in the world and therefore less anxious and unhappy.
Unfortunately, in our quest for belonging, we allow ourselves to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals who seek to control nearly every aspect of our existence in return for the promise of connection.
We need to see that we can create healthy relationships and communities without giving up our autonomy or skepticism.
We can recognize that when there’s mutual respect, people are free, even encouraged to ask intelligent questions, look beneath the surface of things and use this knowledge as the basis of their choices.
4: Stop lying to yourself. It can be tempting to practice denial. Facing the truth about yourself or your life can be uncomfortable or upsetting, so it’s not unusual to resort to the defenses of denial, wishful thinking or self-delusion.
The problem is that eventually, these dysfunctional ways of coping will catch up with us, and we’ll have to live with consequences which are far worse that the initial discomfort or displeasure we might experience from facing the truth.
It’s important that we get in touch with our own needs and feelings and honestly examine how our choices are affecting us. We must also face the truth about the people in our lives, and stop ignoring when our gut feelings tell us that they’re being insincere.
If we don’t do these things, it will be far too easy for the users, manipulators and thieves of the world to take advantage of our willful blindness or hopeful fantasy. We become vulnerable to dishonest people when we aren’t honest with ourselves.
When we acknowledge the truth of what we feel and what we see, our needs become clear and in this way, we become empowered.
We’re more able to achieve our goals and a lot less likely to be thrown off track by someone who’s deceiving us in order to promote their own agenda.
Finally the most important guide is your own guts, how you feel from inside based on your search behind the words and action, at least get advice from one that are close person to you and had good experience with him after all do people good comes back to you by Karma.. and you will be fine.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Mosajet: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just f...
Mosajet: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just f...: Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just for wealth control from strong countries over poor Africans First I will reviewing Th...
Is the War on Mali really Against Islam or Just for wealth control from strong countries over poor Africans
First I will reviewing The political History of Mali
around the end of the 17th century.
After the collapse of the Songhai Empire, no single state controlled the region. The Moroccans only succeeded in occupying a few portions of the country,
The Bambara Empire existed as a centralized state from 1712 to 1861, 1861 and declaring an end to the empire.
Kingdom of Kaarta
Kaarta, in what is now western Mali, in 1753. It was defeated in 1854 by Umar Tall, leader of Toucouleur Empire, before his war with Ségou.
Kenedougou Kingdom
The Senufo Kenedugu Kingdom originated in the 17th century was one of the last kingdoms in the area to fall to the French in 1898.
An Islamic-inspired uprising in the largely Fula Inner Niger Delta region against rule by Ségou in 1818 led to establishment of a separate state. It later allied with Bambara Empire against Umar Tall's Toucouleur Empire and was also defeated by it in 1862.then The Wassoulou.
Mali fell under French colonial rule in 1892.In 1893, the French appointed a civilian governor of the territory they called Soudan Français (French Sudan), On 31 March 1960 France agreed to the Federation of Mali becoming fully independent.[2] On 20 June 1960 the Federation of Mali became an independent country and Modibo Keïta became its first President.
Since 1960 tell the present several govenment and Military leads to democratic
Further information: Northern Mali conflict (2012–present)
In January 2012 an insurgency has begun, led by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad.[5]However, due to the 2012 insurgency in northern Mali, the military government controls only the southern third of the country, leaving the north of the country (known as Azawad) to MNLA rebels. The rebels control Timbuktu, 700 km from the capital.[7] In response, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) froze assets and imposed an embargo, leaving some with only days of fuel. Mali is dependent on fuel imports trucked overland from Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire.[8]
As of July 17, 2012, the Tuareg rebels have since been pushed out by their allies, the Islamists, Ansar Dine, and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (A.Q.I.M.).[9] An extremist ministate in northern Mali is the unexpected result from the collapse of the earlier coup d'etat by the angry army officers.[9]
Refuges, in the 92,000-person refugee camp at Mbera, Mauritania, describe the Islamists as "intent on imposing an Islam of lash and gun on Malian Muslims."[9] The Islamists in Timbuktu have destroyed about a half-dozen venerable above-ground tombs of revered holy men, proclaiming the tombs contrary to Shariah.[9] One refugee in the spoke of encountering Afghans, Pakistanis and Nigerians.[9]
Ramtane Lamamra, the African Union's peace and security commissioner, said the African Union has discussed sending a military force to reunify Mali and that negotiations with terrorists had been ruled out but negotiations with other armed factions is still open.[9]
On 10 December 2012 Prime Minister Cheick Modibo Diarra was arrested by soldiers and taken to a military base in Kati.[10]Hours later, the Prime Minister announced his resignation and the resignation of his government on national television.[11]
On 10 January 2013, Islamist forces captured the strategic town of Konna, located 600 km from the capital, from the Malian army.[12] The following day, the French military launched Opération Serval, intervening in the conflict.[
What is Mali's wealth
From The most
important Resources Wealth Natural In The Republic of Mali: Gold , phosphates, kaolin (clay pure white, normally used in the manufacture of porcelain China), salt, stone , uranium, gypsum, and granite, and energy water.
As I discovered Newly In Land Finance, Raw materials Bauxite, And iron, And manganese, Tin, And copper; But No Exploit After... Most This Resources You The exploited Companies French As Turning Directly To France At Low And for conventions of silly as the
Convention against desertification and protect the layer of ozone ... Etc
But With Advent Islamists To Power Now Interests French In Risk Large And is what necessitated the military urgency of for the leadership of
the new guarantee interest French in Mali ... And all allegations French that the operation aimed to free hostages French is beyond being pure nonsense political and talaat flimsy to justify.
Now who is the participant in the War in Mali
Latest List The names of States Which Locked War Crusader With France Established Against Muslims Mali The vulnerable:
First : assistance with aircraft and equipment
Britain - Germany - Jordan
II : assistance to support intelligence and logistics:First : assistance with aircraft and equipment
Britain - Germany - Jordan
America , Denmark , Belgium , Russia
III : support through Open air ground and air:
Algeria And Morocco
IV : support financial
VA : support the troops land on Earth
Nigeria - Senegal - Burkina Faso - Benin - Togo - Chad - Niger - Ghana - army financial - transaction editing aswad
VI : support political
Union Europe - America - the Government of Tunisia
So now let us think together as conclusion
1.It is from the first place wealth control like like regular plan with Iraq,Sudan,Saudi,emirate etc. in order to continuing using this countries and put them on diet of war and pay for it from there wealth which of course they can not sell it unless they learn the technology and investment to get it out but with this way will be for nothing and pay for the military cost to get these government out of what they call it rebels
2. Second reason is just protective against an Islam's terrorist created cover form as usual which I believe will be strong and effective in time being or even in nearest future because of lots of problems insider the Islamic groups themselves either from the from their own Islamic understanding or outsider.
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