Friday, June 24, 2011

America..Do we have to appologyize to our kids..


I want to make it sounds like a normal family miss-understanding, between father and his kids.

Well, is not that simple in this case?

Started to me like simple disscusion between multi-culture friends, semi-friends, setting on a coeffee shop...Right here in America.

      Long time since I have been in America and Loved to be here with the multi-cultural emulsion of societies...Which makes look like sweet and sawer somthy ..Mixed in a way you could sometimes feel the difference between each layer.

      I saw an add on one of the American TV channels, teaching americans, How to stop mompling bad words like NIGER, RED NIKE,))) etc. I have inside happiness that we starting to solve some of our society Ignorance like someother felu trying to use the media for the oposite direction.

       These ON coffee discusion reflected to me how some layers of the society feel the difference or how they view the past picture.

       Starting with how some categorize the society according to there colors and named them in the past, which is for me considered as the third generation talk after the Martin Luther king revolution In America.

     Before I came to America, we never had such discusion according to the colors but usually will be regarding to the behaviours of some troupe to another...which still not considered as such discrimination as what happened in the past of the United States.

     With all what I have red and heard from all kinds of society layers in America...

I figer out that; Still we need to teach our kids to be more peacefull and forgivable to all what happened in the past even those who are directly affected in there family or they have the worest memory in there minde inherted from there parents or there grand parents.

  Yes, we need to teach them how to look to the American field as if it’s has different colors of flowers...dark, mild and light colors and smell but all mixed together as it mix sugar in a butter to make sweet or mixed tasty meal with great gradient so will produce the best ever society mixture ..Which is the American society

Is that will be appology from a grand childs to grand childs..whom in my opnion inscent to inscent or from whom to whom..

   I thought the last Election of “ President Barack Obama” will be in my opnion in a big sceen appology..Am I correct...hiding it...

  Well that appology wasn’t accepted from coeffee shop discussion group.

      So if it is required from someone to appologize to everyone in this American society

What do you think my respected reader?

     I keep myself in sielence thinking about this big picture in the american society and tie it to myself and my daughter...which I difenetly owe her my appology for being,unconditionally heartless father ..Staying away from her...whatever the reason I am doing...say for her or I am still oweing her the appology for the time being or in the past and the future.

And yes I owe the appology if I did harm anyone without even feel the sense of it at the time...

We may owe the appology, even we never been there when each thing happened.

      If we have to hear the appology now, It will be from the Heart to Heart of each person and teach our kids different concepts ever more than our color or origin.

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