Rammdan the month we need for all the year...
One month pass, 29day and Muslims were fasting, means not eating or drinking anything from the sun rise to the sun set.
I did and every Muslim I know did.
But what is the Real meaning of fasting the whole month.. Is that punshment from GOD to us or teaching us something really good...?
The Real principle behind Muslim fasting is not only get the feeling of hunger but also get the sense is to real fast spiritually.
So what is the spiritual fasting to Muslim and what they should get out of it?
First of all...fasting is really a secret relationship between the person and GOD.
That means I could say I am fasting and I am not so we learnt how to have faith of GOD and believe that he is there for us, seeing us being with his spirit with us, It is the honesty between ourself inside deep in our sole that God with his spirit, the creator of the whole world is happy with us by obaying him and stop eating and drinking which is may be harmful to the human being if they did for long time (non fasting is permited for certain conditions)
So is teaching us, Good faith in God, and obidaness to the creator so from there if he teaches us things like how to obay him we should do what he said to us.
A creator for an any machine put a manual, for example, just to know how to treat the machine...right so...we got our manual from the creator...
How to treat ourselfs and the others...
One of the most important principals comes with any wholy book... our Qoran, never changed for 1400 years...
I believe that RAMADAN in its core point teachs us how to treat ourselfs, others and the most from that will lead to obaying GOD.
If we could garanteed 6-things, Heaven is garanteed, as writen
Keep your eyes of looking out for what is not yours
Keep your hand away from what is not yours
Keep down there from doing things without marriage
Keep fair when you buy or sell
Keep your Tung from say things is not true
Keep your promises when you give it away
Simple and easy...but something needs training your sole around it, Why because we have another creations around us,live with us,they can see us but we can not, they tell us what to do to make things wrong or againest what God ask us how to treat ourselfs.
So Ramadan is not just to stop eating but is to stop wrong habites, atitudes and traditions.
Specialy for us as minorities living outside the Muslim atmosphires.
There are so many things we could about Ramadan...But I wish all the year is Ramadan so we could be always close to each other and good to GOD.
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